Energy is stored in an object because of its position by Potential Energy.
The energy a moving object has due to its movement is Kinetic Energy.
Comparison chart
The Kinetic Energy comparison chart is compared to Potential Energy
Powerful Kinetic Energy
Definition Physical strength or system in relation to body or particle movements in the system. Power It may be the energy stored in an object or system because of its shape or suspension.
Ecological connection The Kinetic power of an object is related to other moving and stationary objects in the vicinity. Energy can be a force related to the nature of an object.
Kinetic transmission power can be transferred from one moving object to another, say, in a collision. Potential power cannot be transferred.
Examples Flowing water, such as when it falls on a waterfall. Water at the top of the waterfall, before leaping.
SI Unit Joule (J) Joule (J)
Determining features Speed / speed and size Height or distance and size