Friday, 8 January 2021



A collision/Friction is a force that resists the cohesive movements of solid surfaces, layers of liquid, and the properties of smooth objects. There are many types of conflicts:

* Dry friction is the force that opposes the lateral lateral movement of two solid areas in which it is touched. The dry collision is divided into a fixed collision ("butt") between immovable surfaces, and a kinetic collision between a moving surface. With the exception of atomic or molecular collisions, dry collisions often occur with a combination of earth elements, known as asperities (see Figure 1).

* Liquid friction refers to the friction that exists between layers of complementary fluids

* The softened coating is a matter of liquid collision where the lubricant fluid separates the two solid surfaces.

* Skin tension is part of the pull, a force that resists the movement of fluid on the surface of the body.

* Internal friction is the force that opposes the movement of elements that make up a solid object while undergoing transformation.

When a contact area moves in relation, a collision between the two areas converts kinetic energy into thermal energy (i.e., converts performance into heat). This material can have amazing results, as shown by the use of friction made by brushing pieces of wood together to make a fire. Kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy whenever a collision is moved, for example when a viscous fluid is activated. Another important consequence of many types of collisions can be wear, which can lead to reduced performance or damage to objects. Conflict is a scientific aspect of tribology.

Conflict is attractive and important in providing traction to facilitate movement around the world. Many cars in the world rely on collisions to speed up, slow down and change lanes. Sudden decrease in pulling can cause loss of control and accidents.

The outbreak is not in itself a fundamental force. Dry friction arises from a combination of inland adhesion, surface roughness, tension, and soil contamination. The complexity of this interaction makes counting conflicts from the original principles ineffective and requires the use of powerful methods of analysis and doctrinal construction.

Conflict is an unsavory force - work done in a conflict depends on the path. In the event of a collision, some kinetic energy is constantly converted into thermal energy, so electrical energy is not conserved.

Saturday, 2 January 2021


 In physics, energy is the ability to communicate with one another and to communicate with one another. Power can cause an object in mass to change its speed (including starting from a resting state), that is, acceleration. Force can be defined by engagement as Push or pull. Power has both magnitude and direction, which makes it a vector value. It is measured in SI unit of new tones and is represented by the symbol F.

Power can be defined as pushing or shoving. They can be due to conditions such as gravity, magnetism, or anything that can cause weight gain.

Common symptoms

F →, F, F

SI unit

newton (N)

Other units

dyne, power-pound, pound, kip, kilopond

In basic SI units

kg · m / s2

Release from

other things

F = m a.


Pressure (symbol: p or P) is applied differently to the surface of an object in each area where its energy is distributed.


Common symptoms

p, P

SI unit

Pascal [Pa]

In basic SI units

1 N / m2, 1 kg / (m · s2), or 1 J / m3

Release from

other things

p = F / A


M L - 1 T - 2

pressure unit, pascal (Pa), for example, one newton per square meter (N / m2); similarly, the pound strength per square inch (psi) is the traditional unit of pressure.


Pressure area.svg


 p = {\ frac {F} {A}}


p pressure,

F is the average power,

Contact location.

The pressure is the size of the scale.


In physics, energy is a measure of the material that must be transferred to an object in order to perform a function, or to heat an object. Power is a stored value; energy conservation law states that energy can be transformed into form, but can be created or destroyed. The SI unit of power is the joule, which is the energy transferred to an object by the function of moving it a distance of 1 meter compared to the power of 1 newton.

The Sun is the source of energy for many life on earth. It derives its energy primarily from nuclear fusion in its core, converting it into energy as the protons combined form helium. This energy is then transferred to the sun and released into space, especially in the form of light (simple) energy.

Common Symptoms-


SI unit

a joule

Other units-

kW⋅h, BTU, calorie, eV, erg, foot-pound

In basic SI units

J = kg m2 s - 2

Wide? -


Saved? -



M L2 T-2

Typical forms of energy include kinetic energy of a moving object, potential energy in the position of an object in the energy field (gravity, electricity or magnet), elastic energy is stored by stretching solids, chemical energy released when fuel is burning, light energy is held by light, and thermal energy because of the temperature of the object.

Mass and power are closely related.

Living organisms need energy to survive, just as humans do from food. Human civilization needs energy to operate, found in energy resources such as fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, or renewable energy. Earth's ecological processes are driven by the radiant energy that the Earth receives from the Sun and the earth's warming energy contained in the earth.

Gravitational force

Gravity is most accurately defined by the general concept of relation (suggested by Albert Einstein in 1915), which describes gravity not as force, but as a result of a mass moving geodeic lines in a curved space caused by unequal distribution of mass. The worst example of this time-bending curve is a black hole, in which nothing - not even light - can escape once the horizon of the black hole. [3] However, in many applications, gravity is best measured by Newton's law of gravity, which describes gravity as the force that causes any two bodies to be attracted to each other, with the same size as the mass of their masses and with an equal square distance between them.

Gravity is the weakest of basic physics combinations, about 1038 times weaker than strong magnetic field, about 1036 times weaker than electrical energy and 1029 times weaker than weak connections. As a result, it has no significant effect on the level of subatomic particles. [4] In contrast, the dominant contact on the macroscopic scale, also causes the formation, formation and trajectory (orbit) of star bodies.

Current models of particle physics mean the first state of gravitational force in the Universe, perhaps in the form of gravitational force, maximum force or magnitude of gravity, and in space and time, created during Planck's time (up to 10-43 seconds after birth. of the Universe), probably from the original region, such as a false vacuum, quantum vacuum or visible particle, in a way that is not yet known. [5] Attempts to create the concept of gravity associated with quantum mechanics, quantum gravity theory, which can allow gravity to combine in a common mathematical framework (the view of all things) and other basic physics-based interactions, are the current area of ​​research.

Newton's law of motion.

In ancient mechanics, Newton's laws of motion are the three laws that define the relationship between the movement of an object and the ...